Dudley Creates Chronicles

This is the beginning of a live chronicle of our 100 year cultural strategy in action. We have many contributors, they are all local people catalysing and supporting cultural action across Dudley Borough. These chronicles offer glimpses into events and activities through photography, videos, some writing and art.

For a deeper dive into our learning, research and reflections, visit the Dudley Creates section of CoLab Dudley’s Lab Notes publication.

Field Works Kerry O'Coy Field Works Kerry O'Coy

Field Works: You have to go away to come back

In Garbett and Laybourne’s Compendium of Aphorisms, Sayings and Terms, the entry on page eight reads “You have to go away to come back”. This is a phrase we use often and it means that even though our work is hyper-locally focused sometimes we need to head off, get away and wander further afield in search of different places, new experiences and inspiration. We bring back ideas, creative energy, artistic material and fresh ways of thinking.

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Kerry O'Coy Kerry O'Coy

Dudley Creates - nature inspired micro commissions

Do you work creatively with nature and our environment, create with natural materials, or take a focus on nature as a subject matter? If so we are looking for Dudley Borough based creatives to support co-created projects that can inspire people to connect with nature and their local green and blue spaces.

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Kerry O'Coy Kerry O'Coy

What’s the agenda?

As part of our funding for the Dudley Creates Cultural Compact we wanted to see what an approach to an alternative ‘meeting agenda’ could look like. Rather than a circulated word document sent to a small handful of people with several ‘agenda items’ we thought it would be more appropriate to showcase the ‘strategy in action’.

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